About Us
Three Arches Foundation
Thank you for your interest in learning more about Three Arches Foundation. We are a community-focused grant making foundation that connects people, ideas and resources to advance the health and well-being of people in Lakewood and surrounding communities.
Our intent is to provide local nonprofit organizations funding that support efforts to improve equitable access to care for those impacted by health disparities in Lakewood and surrounding communities. With our guiding principles in mind and utilizing a purposeful grant making process, we listen and learn how philanthropic investment can aid an organization’s work towards implementing and maintaining programs and services that make it easier for people to navigate, understand, and use information and services to take care of their behavioral and physical health.
In an effort to bring different perspectives and voices to the table, we are committed to a philanthropic culture of belonging. Our work on this front is ongoing as we align our policies, practices, and resources to foster equitable opportunity through our grant making. We aim to be proactive, collaborative, and resolute in our approach.
Three Arches Foundation carries out its work by supporting a unique community collaborative of charitable organizations that provide programs, services, and initiatives aligned with our mission and geographic focus.
We are led by a volunteer board of directors comprised of highly qualified local leaders and health care professionals who bring in-depth knowledge of the issues that shape our community. As dictated by our governing structure, the board of directors includes individuals from Appointing Charitable Organizations, referred to as our partner organizations. Each board member is dedicated to ensuring meaningful investments that directly benefit citizens of Lakewood and surrounding communities.
Read more to learn how the Foundation is carrying on a legacy of philanthropic caring for the community.
Ours is a vibrant community where every person has equitable access to achieve optimal physical and behavioral health.
Three Arches Foundation invests in advancing the health and well-being of the people of Lakewood and surrounding communities.
Guiding Principles
Our guiding principles reflect our thinking, actions, decisions, and responses to one another and for the benefit of our community.
Compassion – Having and demonstrating empathy without judgement.
Curiosity – Fostering innovation, risk taking and continuous learning.
Equity – Breaking down systemic barriers that limit access to resources.
Humility – Respecting organizations in the spirit of service.
Inclusion – Understanding and elevating different voices.
Transparency – Modeling openness, fairness and accountability.
Three Arches Foundation is pleased to share our most recent IRS Form 990.