Eligibility & Guidelines
2025 Annual Grant Cycle - Information Available
2025 Annual Grant Cycle
Information for Nonprofit Organizations
Three Arches Foundation makes funding decisions through a formalized grant making process. Inspired by our mission, we invest in the advancement of solutions that impact equitable access to care, specifically those that remove barriers and improve behavioral and physical health.
Grant Eligibility
Grant requests will be accepted from organizations that are recognized as a tax-exempt public charity 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) under the Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). All requests must be aligned with our mission, funding priority area of equitable access to behavioral and/or physical health care, and geographic focus of Lakewood and surrounding communities. Make sure you review and meet the eligibility requirements before proceeding.
Grant Guidelines
Our values represent the guiding principles we share in our thinking, actions, decisions, and responses for the benefit of our community. As such, we are especially interested in organizations that work with others towards a common purpose and grant requests that build on proven strategies, replicate successful existing models, or are the start or next phase of a promising initiative.
Prioritized Attributes: When developing your proposal keep in mind this is a competitive process, and we prioritize requests that:
Focus on actionable efforts that make it easier for people to afford, understand, navigate, and utilize services – when, where, and how they are needed – to take care of their health
Directly serve people from within TAF’s footprint of Lakewood and surrounding communities (as demonstrated by percentage of total served). Recognizing where people live is among the most important determinants of health, precedence is given to initiatives that predominately focus on those living in zip codes with greater health inequities
Concentrate on those most impacted by health disparities
Healthy People 2030 defines a health disparity as “a particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage. Health disparities adversely affect groups of people who have systematically experienced greater obstacles to health based on their racial or ethnic group; religion; socioeconomic status; gender; age; mental health; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; sexual orientation or gender identity; geographic location; or other characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion”
Embrace an innovative and collaborative approach to addressing a need
Have an appropriate plan to monitor and measure outcomes
Use of Funds: Grant funds may be used for the following purposes:
Capacity Building – strengthening an organization’s infrastructure, management, and governance to be more impactful, efficient, and effective
General Operating – support of day-to-day activities and general expenses for organizations whose core mission aligns with the provision of behavioral and/or physical health-related programs or services
Pilot Project – a small-scale, short-term test or trial that helps an organization learn how a large-scale project might work in practice
Program Support or Development – direct costs associated with current, new or expanded programs, services, and interventions
Three Arches Foundation does not make grants to support endowments, research, or debt retirement; capital or fundraising campaigns (including annual appeals), fundraising events, or membership drives; and scholarships.
Award Size: Typically, a one-year grant ranges in size from $25,000 up to $100,000.
Grant Funding Term: The majority of grants are for one year; however, multi-year grants are considered when a period greater than twelve months is deemed necessary to launch a pilot or implement a program. Organizations are eligible for one grant per year and are not eligible for another grant during a multi-year grant funding term.
Joint Request: The Foundation encourages collaboration and partnership among its grantees and will consider a joint request from multiple applicants, even if one of the applicants has already received a grant individually or plans to submit a separate request. A proposal is considered joint if two or more organizations are working together on a project and at least two of the organizations receive a portion of the grant funds to carry out the goals of the proposal. If your organization is considering a joint request, please share this intent with Kristin Broadbent at kbroadbent@threearches.org prior to completing the Request Summary (noted below).
Grant Proposal Process
Our grant proposal process includes multiple steps:
Get Acquainted Call – Mandatory for Organizations New to Three Arches Foundation: This informal conversation serves as an introduction for organizations that have not previously worked with the Foundation and must be completed by May 15 for consideration during the 2025 Annual Grant Cycle. If after reviewing the grant eligibility and guidelines you believe your organization meets all criteria, please contact Kristin Broadbent at kbroadbent@threearches.org to schedule this call (do not wait until the last few days before the deadline). While a get acquainted call is required prior to submitting a Request Summary, not all inquiries move beyond this initial conversation.
Step 1 – Discovery Process: Submission of a Request Summary is the first step in our proposal process and required for all organizations. The Request Summary, available July 1, must be submitted no later than July 21.
As part of this step, a Discovery Conversation may be warranted if your organization is new to the Foundation or if your organization is familiar with the Foundation, but has never received funding. This is an opportunity to further elaborate on the potential funding request as outlined in the summary and address questions. Conversations will be scheduled and take place prior to August 8.
Not all organizations that submit a Request Summary will be invited to submit an Application.
Step 2 – Application Process: If it is determined the grant request meets all eligibility requirements and clearly and compellingly aligns with the Foundation’s funding priority area, the organization will be invited to submit an Application for final consideration. We may also schedule a conversation with applicants during this step to obtain additional insight about the organization and proposal elements. An invitation to submit an Application does not signify nor guarantee a grant award.
Step 3 – Funding Decision: Applications are reviewed and evaluated by staff and directors, with the TAF Board of Directors making its funding decision on November 13. Applicants can expect to be notified of the outcome by November 17.
Note that TAF frequently receives more quality proposals than can be funded. A decision by the Foundation to decline a request does not reflect on the merits of the applicant or the value of the proposal. Feedback on declined proposals will be provided.
If you have a question about the Foundation, our funding priority area, or the annual grant cycle process please contact us.
*Key Dates
2025 Annual Grant Cycle
Get Acquainted Calls - Mandatory for Organizations New to the Foundation
For consideration during the 2025 Annual Grant Cycle, get acquainted calls must be completed by May 15 for all organizations new to the Foundation and are required prior to proceeding to Step One
Step One – Discovery Process Step Two - Application Process (by invitation)
July 1 - Request Summary form available and due by July 21; must be submitted by all prospective applicants
July 28-August 8 - Discovery Conversations conducted (organizations new to TAF)
August 25 -
October 1-17 - Insight Conversations with applicants (as warranted)
November 13-17 Funding decisions communicated
*Dates Subject To Change